Hate Mail

- Hate Mail -

I often get much hate-mail from iCarly goons, Zaplook defenders, or just all-around dimwits. I often log most of the meatier insults, for your ammusement. So here they are :

Well, just to point out, this is my FIRST ever hate-mail I've recieved. Quite a gem. A chortled the entire time, don't bother responding, he's edited the settings to block everything except people in contacts. He has also most likely abandoned this e-mail.

From: coolguy28@aol.com
Subject: your site sucks
Sent: April 23rd, 2007
Origin: Laramie, WY
Which Review: Various

Hey fag. ill put this fast u suck. new site huh well u wont get anyware jus calling evrything dum and stupid etc.

Well I checked ur page on popsicles. Who cares? no serioslly, who cares? Why does that bother you? none cares.

Anyways ur page on Zaplook. IF Zaplook was GONE you couldn't search anything on the internet, u probly would have 2 use some shitty toolbar or virus ad thing. Zaplook censers comments 4 a reason. if u go off and just do stupid shit like u do and make inflammitory comments on why u hate the site none will like you and your jus being a noosance 2 the public. Pls close ur site, I'm not even, pised ur just pathetic. dumbshit!!


Well then, nice grammar you have. You mentioned my ZipFruit page? Go read it again. You obviously missed something. And Zaplook censors comments that are not in support of the company. I posted a comment saying that forcing the design update on Zaplook pages, and charging an annual-fee for the personal pages you can make with ZapLookWebz addon would destory the entire purpose of having a free, personal site. If they wanted to pay, they'd get their own domain-name, like I have. And besides, ZapLook's statistics clearly show it will be a 100 billion-dollar corporation by 2008. 
And so I say, go away.

From: maria.saldivar12@inbox.com
Subject: offensive zipfruit review
Sent: May 2nd, 2007
Origin: New Mexico
Which Review: ZipFruit Popsicles

Young man your site is ok and all but i must warn you your site on zipfruit is very in-correct. I work as a school-teacher and I know that they do not put 100% food-coloring with ice. this is a myth and it's very foolish to say something like this. you also use many offesnive terms in your reeviews. if you need to become more popular, you should be respectful of other-people :)

*****Signed, M. Saldivar, of NX*****


Really? You thought I meant it when I called it ice with food-colouring? Oi vey, the nerve of some people. And also offensive terms? The most offensive term I've ever used thus-far is the work "tea-bag" on my review of comedians on SplashFace. Dear heavens, please revoke this woman's teaching license.